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BORIS is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Remember that it is EXTREMELY important to do regular backups of your project files to prevent the lost of data. Software can be reinstalled but your data could quite possibly be lost for ever.

Current version: v. 8.25.4 release date: 2024-04-18

The user guide is available at Feel free to contact me if you want to improve it.

See the change log for details of changes.

Please acknowledge and cite the use of this software and its authors when results are used in publications or published elsewhere:

Friard, O. and Gamba, M.,
BORIS: a free, versatile open-source event-logging software for video/audio coding and live observations.
(2016) Methods Ecol Evol, 7: 1325–1330.

DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12584

If you find this software useful, please send me a nice postcard of the place where do you live.

The v. 8 has great improvements due to the use of the mpv media player, see version 8 for the details.

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Android logo BORIS App for Android

VirtualBox logo VirtualBox virtual machine

Docker logo Docker image

GitHub logo Install from the Python Package Index (Linux)

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All files are signed with GPG you can verify their integrity using my PGP public key.

Bug report, feature request and discussion

See the how to report a bug page.

GitHub feature request.

Suggestions and general discussion

Test - video samples

You can download video samples to test BORIS on your system: (~ 70 Mb)

Previous versions

All previous versions of BORIS are available in the BORIS releases archive or in the BORIS archive for versions prior to 2.99. Please note that the backward compatibility of a BORIS project is not guaranteed!


BORIS is developed entirely with open source software.

BORIS is developped in Python 3.10 using PyQt5 for the GUI (should run from Python >= 3.8).

The mpv media player library and the python-mpv interface are used to play media files.

The Matplotlib python 2D plotting library is used for plotting events and generating the spectrogram.

The Pandas data analysis tool.

The FFmpeg multimedia framework is used to extract media files parameters, in frame-by-frame mode and in spectrogram visualization.

The Tablib Python module is used to export data in TSV, CSV, ODS, XLSX, HTML and XLS formats.

The portion Python module is used in the Advanced event filtering function.

The ExifRead Python module used to access pictures Exif data.

The pyreadr Python module is used to save data for R (optional).

The Graphviz graph visualization software is used (optional) to generate transitions graph.

The BORIS web site is made using Material for Mkdocs static site generator and supported by GitHub.